Already Learning

What Are Those?

So, I got my first post in, and I couldn’t help but write down the things I’ve learned in the past couple hours since. Just as a friendly reminder to myself (or anyone who stumbles upon this blog), what I have found out in this short time.

Site Folder

Its noted in the structure as _site. You may have noticed it after running bundle exec jekyll serve, which I wrote about in the first post. This is where the static content is being compiled together after a file is saved while that command is running. If it is not running currently, it will compile on the next run.

Posts Folder

This one is where all the blog posts, such as this one, are placed to be read into the site. From the video’s I have seen, it does not look like this is a default Jekyll folder, so maybe it came with the template I am using?

_posts also has requirements to follow to make the blog work. Files must be saved in the format YYYY-MM-DD-title.extension. I am using Markdown to write these posts, so an example would be

Side Note

I had issues with this post as well, and my h2 tags were not being rendered. Make sure the #’s do not have any spaces to the left. They need to be the very first characters of that line.

Jason Elwell

Jason Elwell
Native Michigander. Junior Web Dev.

Code School

How to build components in Angular 2 Continue reading

Angular 2 Components

Published on February 29, 2016

Site Updated

Published on February 27, 2016