Meeker Creek HoA

This site was built back in 2014 in my Capstone class for my Associate’s Degree. It was built by three others and myself using Wordpress for simple editing by the customer. Meeker Creek Home Owners Association is located in Butler County, Ohio. The customer wanted their related documents available to their residents, and also features a forum to discuss their community. Visit their site here.
Figgis Detective Agency

I enjoy watching Archer, it’s one of the few shows that I watch on TV. After season 7 aired, it gave me a spur of creativity to practice with.
After finishing the HTML/CSS path on Code School, I wanted to do something to encapsulate what I had just learned. This site was created with nothing more than HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. I had to customize the css a little bit, as expected, but also had to add in the featurettes into Bootstrap. Take a look at that project here.
Angular 2 Router Example

I wanted to start using Angular 2, and this was a way to learn about it without copying straight from the Angular Docs. It is using Angular 2 (obviously), and Bootstrap for styling. The Bob Ross lipsum is just a bonus.
It is simple enough that I can use it as a template for future projects. If you want to check it out, you can find it on GitHub here.
Asset Management

Again, I wanted to tackle Angular 2 to make something useful, this time using Angular to help with the forms. An asset management system I have worked with for 4 years inspired me to start this project, because it is desperately in need of an update. It is no where near complete at the moment, but I wanted to include it here. It is basically wire-framed at the moment, and will require eventually get a database to store the data in. This will probably be node-mysql, giving me another excuse to learn more. If you’d like to help, you can find the GitHub repository here.
Beanie Inventory

Oh hey, another Angular 2/Bootstrap project. This was my first use of the framework, because I have tons of Beanie Babies in storage. Thanks Grandma. It’s really basic, and works best if you get the chrome extension ‘Storage Explorer’ so you can save the JSON data in case it gets wiped. There is no validation in the form because I really only intended on keeping this to myself (and not admitting to the world that I own 50% of the world’s Beanie Babies). If you too have a massive collection, why not go through them and build a list, I won’t tell anyone. You can see the GitHub repository here.