Hello World

I Have A Lot To Learn

This is the first post of hopefully many to come. There’s a lot of new aspects of Web Development being introduced, even with this post alone. Markdown seems to be an easy language to use, but this is the first time I’ve used it. Jekyll is also new to my skillset, and seems easier than WordPress so far. Even GitHub is relatively new to me, and my account is not new at all. I’ve sat on this account for a couple years now, with no contributions to show for it.

Even This Post Is A Learning Experience

Hell, just figuring out how to make a header properly took a little research. I wasn’t putting empty lines in between, so it just rendered as plain text. Not to mention all the issues I had trying to setup everything. FYI to any other beginners out there, bundle exec jekyll serve got around the missing jekyll-paginate error.

Jason Elwell

Jason Elwell
Native Michigander. Junior Web Dev.

Code School

How to build components in Angular 2 Continue reading

Angular 2 Components

Published on February 29, 2016

Site Updated

Published on February 27, 2016